@wmarkhall yup. I said that.
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) March 1, 2015
from Twitter http://ift.tt/XL6akj
February 28, 2015 at 09:27PM
@wmarkhall yup. I said that.
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) March 1, 2015
You are not going to get kids to have transformational experiences doing work sheets. Sez @jcorippo #etc2015
— mark hall (@wmarkhall) February 28, 2015
@SKolhatkar @alopezLG ha! Way to be an agile leader. :)
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) March 1, 2015
@mkurashige @johnmillerEDU @SCU006 @Dowbiggin Thanks for sharing John… wow, there is so much valuable information!
— Elizabeth L (@Harmony27L) March 1, 2015
@lindayollis @Dowbiggin @ucdjoe @johnmillerEDU Yay, thank you for the link!
— Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler) February 28, 2015
.@oetc another version of an #ipdx15 shape poem :) http://ift.tt/1AV8Hh4
— Kelly Kermode (@coachk) February 28, 2015
Hard to make an argument that there's a better US Edu Conf than #ipdx15 focusing on relationship, reflection & true learning @dhudgins @oetc
— Scott Bedley (@Scotteach) February 28, 2015
watching #WALvFRA in #Portland :-)
— DK (@justadandak) February 28, 2015
to all the @oetc #ipdx15'ers: diolch yn fawr (thank you in Welsh)... one of the best conferences for positive energy ever!!!
— DK (@justadandak) February 28, 2015
fantastic -> @gravesle made us all at #ipdx15 collaboratively write a book in 20mins #mindblown
— DK (@justadandak) February 27, 2015
favourite #ipdx15 moment so far: walking past @bhwilkoff & hearing him ask "have you jumped into the pool with your clothes on yet?"
— DK (@justadandak) February 27, 2015
totally forgot about kahoot.it & @lynhilt using it to ask great questions about students & blogging #ipdx15 http://ift.tt/18yBDCC
— DK (@justadandak) February 27, 2015
:-) OnCUE Journal GBL online issue w articles by @alicekeeler @Dowbiggin @ucdjoe & @johnmillerEDU http://t.co/EVQlFlG8Gn #minecraftedu #cue
— Linda Yollis (@lindayollis) February 28, 2015
@johnmillerEDU @SCU006 Yay! Can't wait to read the Game-Based Learning issue-See that you & @Dowbiggin have an article on #Minecraftedu too!
— Melvina Kurashige (@mkurashige) February 28, 2015
OnCUE Journal GBL online issue with articles by @alicekeeler @Dowbiggin @ucdjoe and me. http://t.co/1iaP7wQESo #minecraftedu #cue
— John Miller (@johnmillerEDU) February 28, 2015
@Dowbiggin just love :)
— Darren Hudgins (@dhudgins) February 28, 2015
@Dowbiggin You remembered!
— Chris Hesselbein (@ChrisHesselbein) February 27, 2015
How come we didn't do this #ipdx15 closing keynote collaborative bricolage book in Office 365? Said no participant... ever.
— Simon Miller (@LeadEdTech) February 27, 2015
RT: OUCH! 😭: "School is a place where young people go to watch old people work really hard." @Dowbiggin #ipdx15 @actionhero
— Michelle Edwards (@mdeHSD) February 27, 2015
"School is a place where young people go to watch old people work really hard." @Dowbiggin #ipdx15
— Melissa Lim (@actionhero) February 27, 2015
Excellent session with @Dowbiggin yesterday on gaming in the classroom with MineCraftEDU. @oetc #ipdx15
— Ross Hendricks (@RRHTech) February 27, 2015
@justadandak @kristenswanson the fact that the two of you are in the same room makes me happy. you two best be getting a beer after.
— David Bill (@dsbill4) February 27, 2015
RIP Leonard Nimoy.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) February 27, 2015
RIP SPOCK RT @mashable: Leonard Nimoy,the man who made Spock famous, has passed away at age 83 http://t.co/TyFEcsEMcE http://ift.tt/1JVpBU7
— Tom Whitby (@tomwhitby) February 27, 2015
Can't remember the last time I learned so many cool things in a day. Thanks @rwentechaney @Dowbiggin @bhwilkoff #ipdx15
— Stacy Hawthorne (@StacyHaw) February 27, 2015
@LeadEdTech I agree. I think that @Dowbiggin is pretty amazing.
— Travis Phelps (@TravisPhelps80) February 26, 2015
Learning how Minecraft can fit into the classroom. #ipdx15 #collaboration #problemsolving http://ift.tt/1arp4tt
— ed sawyer (@WhatEdSaw) February 26, 2015
Truth RT @WhatEdSaw: "No such thing as Digital Citizenship, it's just Citizenship" as heard from @Dowbiggin #ipdx15
— Simon Miller (@LeadEdTech) February 26, 2015
When presented with a tech glitch @Dowbiggin says "I will vanquish this" Do we encourage our Ss to vanquish enough? #ipdx15
— Stacy Hawthorne (@StacyHaw) February 26, 2015
@Dowbiggin school changed tech integration to Learning Innovation and Design. Great idea! #ipdx15
— Stacy Hawthorne (@StacyHaw) February 26, 2015
Getting ready to learn some more awesome features of Google Draw with @Dowbiggin at #ipdx15
— Stacy Hawthorne (@StacyHaw) February 26, 2015
@LeadEdTech @Dowbiggin @AshjenJensen she does rock-especially when it comes to writing awesome parodies! ;-) had the privilege F2F #ieta15
— Janet Avery (@averyteach) February 26, 2015
@averyteach Yeah I mentioned her in a previous tweet as well. @Dowbiggin is my go to for Minecraft... & much more! #sherocks @AshjenJensen
— Simon Miller (@LeadEdTech) February 26, 2015
Thanks! @LeadEdTech @Dowbiggin Looking for contacts for @AshjenJensen
— Janet Avery (@averyteach) February 26, 2015
@averyteach @WhatEdSaw @Dowbiggin prob
— Simon Miller (@LeadEdTech) February 26, 2015
Did you ever mimic Huey's lowering of the sunglasses?
#hueylewis http://ift.tt/18pdu1g
— Huey Lewis (@Huey_Lewis_News) February 26, 2015
@Dowbiggin am starting podcasting again although for a different purpose (& in a different style): http://t.co/QZBvrtLFIN
— DK (@justadandak) February 26, 2015
@Dowbiggin good question. :)
— Kelly Kermode (@coachk) February 26, 2015
@Dowbiggin Love the message @justadandak is sharing but I have to admit the Welsh accent just adds an extra layer of listenability! #ipdx15
— Stacy Hawthorne (@StacyHaw) February 26, 2015
@Dowbiggin i knew you'd dig it the most.
— Thomas Richards (@_tgr) February 26, 2015
view from #ipdx15 stage earlier today (I'm on in 80mins) -> thats 550 seats http://ift.tt/1AsWwco
— DK (@justadandak) February 25, 2015
@juliafallon @nmangum @MrMacnology @Dowbiggin Just don’t let Diane near the hot tea.
— Ben Grey (@bengrey) February 25, 2015
@MrMacnology @Dowbiggin Make sure u connect w/ @AbbeyFutrell & introduce another NC girl to Goldenhorse & cider! :) cc: @juliafallon
— Nancy Mangum (@nmangum) February 24, 2015
@jcorippo @kmartintahoe @MrVaudrey @davidtedu @Dowbiggin @CUERockStar One of those period is my educrush. Hint: it's the second to last one
— Doug Robertson (@TheWeirdTeacher) February 24, 2015
@kmartintahoe @MrVaudrey They are my #educrush. No. It's @davidtedu no. It's @Dowbiggin No. It's @TheWeirdTeacher No. It's @CUERockStar 😱
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) February 24, 2015
@Dowbiggin @MrMacnology Trusting that you'll be good proxies for the annual #ipdx15 Golden Horse Seafood dinner. Will be there in spirit. xo
— Julia Fallon (@juliafallon) February 23, 2015
RT @MJLibrarian: Ryerson Student Learning Centre 6th floor #RSLC. Open tomorrow! http://ift.tt/1vqv275 How about these "chairs" @Dowbiggin
— jeffery heil (@jheil65) February 22, 2015
@Dowbiggin voxed you :)
— Lisa D. (@LisaTeachesTech) February 22, 2015
@Dowbiggin definitely! Thought of you when I was there!!
— Lisa D. (@LisaTeachesTech) February 22, 2015
Miss out on #cuerockstar Tahoe? There'a 1 seat left thx 2 @capcue Visit http://t.co/Ov7mTDAL1l & find out how to win! http://ift.tt/1EDSjlH
— CapCUE (@capcue) February 22, 2015
@Dowbiggin I was hoping you had a chance to! I walked her home at lunch, but was worried you hadn't seen her yet.
— bark (@teylaramsey) February 22, 2015
RT @jordosh: Why schools are failing our boys - The Washington Post http://t.co/7R2Lh6cTAz
Thought of you while reading this @Dowbiggin
— bark (@teylaramsey) February 22, 2015
@craigyen @Dowbiggin It's weird--sometimes the Dianeisms just come out. #merit14 #EdcampSv
— Scott Marsden (@MrScottMarsden) February 21, 2015
@anotherschwab @Dowbiggin http://ift.tt/1LsbfrJ
— Todd Feinberg (@PrincipalUMS) February 21, 2015
@PrincipalUMS @Dowbiggin Look under the seat and tell me who makes it.
— Andrew T. Schwab (@anotherschwab) February 21, 2015
@anotherschwab This. RT @Dowbiggin: Hello, beautiful chair. I want you. @ Palo Alto High School http://t.co/Z64cX97yWj
— Todd Feinberg (@PrincipalUMS) February 21, 2015
in the words of the wise @Dowbiggin "never apologize for a woot woot!" #edcampsv #Minecraft
— Cristina Bustamante (@Cbustamante2222) February 21, 2015
Never apologize for "Woot, woot" #dianesez @Dowbiggin @EdCampSV #edcampsv2015
— ashley sullivan (@ashleyksullivan) February 21, 2015
@Dowbiggin: I wrote a blog re: the "my 8th grader is going to go to Stanford" parent convo we hear so much: http://t.co/4iYtqQLJtK
— Todd Feinberg (@PrincipalUMS) February 21, 2015
@Dowbiggin @robertkaplinsky @racheldiep @LS_Karl Done
— Craig Yen (@craigyen) February 21, 2015
"It's not digital citizenship, it's just ciitenzship" @MrScottMarsden
channeling his inner @Dowbiggin
— Craig Yen (@craigyen) February 21, 2015
“@Dowbiggin: At #EdCampSV with my wonderful #merit14 crew today! Ready to rock and roll!” Glad you all can make it!
— Joe Young (@Jyoung1219) February 21, 2015
A quick reference guide to #Cyclone Categories. #CycloneMarcia #CycloneLam http://ift.tt/1CPTwUE
— David Hohnke (@DavidHohnke) February 20, 2015
@Dowbiggin start quoting scripture lady
— Rkolset (@Rkolset) February 19, 2015
Excited to learn that I will be headed to Mumbai, India to keynote this September #digilead
— Eric Sheninger (@E_Sheninger) February 18, 2015
Jess would have a cassette tape labeled AP Stat jams. #newgirl
— New Girl (@NewGirlonFOX) February 18, 2015
@irasocol I just threw daughter #4 into the snow in her nightgown. That is snow day shenanigans :)
— William Chamberlain (@wmchamberlain) February 18, 2015
http://t.co/CGL68ddPZ2 My YouTube chan. on leadership outside the classroom sneak prev. MERIT inspiration! @Dowbiggin @rushtonh @Roni_Habib
— darmanation (@darmanation365) February 16, 2015
“@kshevy: Busting out the Anaconda next week. @jcorippo #cuerockstar Wait. That came out wrong.” Bahahahaahah
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) February 15, 2015
"Reclaim the teacher's lounge", make it the "innovation connection" @Dowbiggin #cuerockstar I'm going to make this happen! @techmaverick
— Rachel Freed (@RachFreed) February 14, 2015
What does allow surfacing do?
(in setting)
— Craig Yen (@craigyen) February 14, 2015
@timlauer nice. @Nunavut_Tweeter
— Alec Couros (@courosa) February 14, 2015
@courosa @Nunavut_Tweeter i can’t use the term… It’s not in my wheelhouse ☺
— Tim Lauer (@timlauer) February 14, 2015
“@sue49ers: @dotmariejones You were amazing tonight Dot. Thanks for my niece who transitioned in 2013.” NOTHING BUT LOVE
— Dot-Marie Jones (@dotmariejones) February 14, 2015
And people say technology isolates people. Six children, one device. Lots of conversation. #sd36learn http://ift.tt/1DO2S7D
— Karen Lirenman (@KLirenman) February 13, 2015
The Google Has It parody by the talented @Dowbiggin got my #oetc15 audience in the mood for Googley goodness! Thanks! http://t.co/2kOwFBkPbG
— Danielle Filas (@msfilas) February 13, 2015
Last day of early bird reggy on @SVCUE awesome edtech training 3/7 in San Jose! http://t.co/ARuyfnmWsP @dowbiggin @LS_Karl @karen_larson
— Gene Tognetti (@gtognetti1) February 13, 2015
@Dowbiggin @LS_Karl @billselak Yup, this still grossed me out
— Donnie Piercey (@mrpiercEy) February 13, 2015
“@dmoren: Oh my god, it is the best Vine ever. https://t.co/ETdNVbPVCu” so awesome!
— Dan Serrato (@dserrato) February 13, 2015
MERIT 2015 teacher sounds fantastic to me! I can't wait to get started! #merit15 #kci-merit @krausecenter
— Kaitlin Klein (@MissKlein20) February 13, 2015
@Dowbiggin @LS_Karl @billselak Definitely feel like a bird post wedding right now.
— Donnie Piercey (@mrpiercEy) February 13, 2015
I licked up some Red Bull a half hour ago and since then I've completed a year of online college.
— The Fucking Cat (@TheFuckingCat) February 12, 2015
I'd like to whip 50 Shades of Grey until it's dead. I'm sick of hearing about it.
— The Fucking Cat (@TheFuckingCat) February 12, 2015
Really, the injera never stood a chance.
Good to see you, @dowbiggin, @billselak, & @donn… http://t.co/2RQbqX7SGE http://ift.tt/1DnrSlC
— Karl LS (@LS_Karl) February 13, 2015
Hey @Dowbiggin and @LS_Karl , y'all need to follow @BWhitlowEdTech!
— Donnie Piercey (@mrpiercEy) February 13, 2015
FUN! RT @Aalvisto: #tgtour2015 has it's first (semi) official schedule. Good times ahead! :) #MinecraftEdu #KerbalEdu @Dowbiggin
— John Miller (@johnmillerEDU) February 12, 2015
#tgtour2015 has it's first (semi) official schedule. Good times ahead! :) #MinecraftEdu #KerbalEdu
— Santeri Koivisto (@Aalvisto) February 12, 2015
'Teachers: the alphabet' by @cjabracher http://t.co/cb80zsqqbz #teachers #proudtoteach #AtoZ http://ift.tt/1EdDC8s
— Claire Bracher (@cjabracher) February 12, 2015
@lainierowell @dkiang @courosa thanks Lainie- Alec & I were once discussing how to make a keynoter book (#pimpmykeynote ) (or not)
— Amy Burvall (@amyburvall) February 12, 2015
I have @Beyonce to thank for this... http://ift.tt/1E3dAFn
— Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) February 12, 2015
#MERIT14 please welcome the new MERIT 2015 cohort at #KCI-MERIT! @Roni_Habib @racheldiep @krausecenter @LisaTeachesTech @MsPRockz
— Steven McGriff (@stevemcgriff) February 11, 2015
#TheDailyShow Thanking you and your incredible team for all the insightful stories and many, many laughs!
— Alec Main (@Aleckickinitin) February 11, 2015
@Dowbiggin Thanks for stopping by, Diane! #edurockstar :)
— Remind (@RemindHQ) February 11, 2015
Thrilled to be accepted to @MERIT_KCI with @BethPatock #merit15
— Melanie Wilcox (@missmelwilcox) February 11, 2015
Accepted and Excited! #merit15
— Amanda Lim (@amandaglim) February 11, 2015
Great example of #CBL is Divorce App created by #PunahouSchool students: https://t.co/VTDGQDFYFC #ettipad
— Douglas Kiang (@dkiang) February 11, 2015
.@dkiang created Class Awards where Ss voted on eachother's strengths. Everyone got positive feedback & made emotional connections #ettipad
— EdTechTeacher (@EdTechTeacher21) February 11, 2015
"Think of your kids as not really bad oranges but really sweet lemons. Quote of the day. @dkiang #ettipad
— Liana Honda (@lihonda) February 11, 2015
@annbojo @Dowbiggin @iamkidpresident glad you enjoyed! I'm happy to see it each day since its on my desk!
— Elizabeth Goold (@ElizabethGoold) February 11, 2015
@ElizabethGoold @Dowbiggin @iamkidpresident This sign is uplifting. I really like it. Thanks for sharing.
— Ann (@annbojo) February 11, 2015
@tr_bo @Dowbiggin yes! Great idea. Taking Tahoe to 8bit!
— Brian Briggs (@bribriggs) February 11, 2015
@bribriggs @Dowbiggin I 2nd that- just sayin. How about MinecraftEDU characters for each of us?
— Traci Bonde (@tr_bo) February 11, 2015
@Dowbiggin I was think the Tahoe folks is more the rocking mini figure set. Stay tuned...
— Brian Briggs (@bribriggs) February 11, 2015
Here's to you, @iamkidpresident http://ift.tt/1zUtXTO
— Elizabeth Goold (@ElizabethGoold) February 11, 2015
LMAO "Nick calls birds 'windmice' and turtles 'shellbeavers'" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #NewGirl
— jennifer aggio (@jennyaggio) February 10, 2015
@shareski I love how often you go shopping.
— Amanda Dykes (@amandacdykes) February 10, 2015
Out with my daughter. We're shopping for eyelashes because I gave her bad genes. That's what I was told.
— Dean Shareski (@shareski) February 10, 2015
Teaching in the age of Minecraft > http://t.co/G6i5t9V7gw @alexandraossola @MinecraftTeachr @saramichel @Dowbiggin @MinecraftEdu
— iNACOL (@nacol) February 10, 2015
@courosa you are ????
— Jen Wagner (@jenwagner) February 10, 2015
I'm at San Diego International Airport (SAN) in San Diego, CA https://t.co/MsaXrPQXHH
— Alec Couros (@courosa) February 10, 2015
@Dowbiggin I'll visit anytime! :) @dhudgins @jonsamuelson @classroom_tech
— Nancy Mangum (@nmangum) February 9, 2015
@Dowbiggin all of the above
— Andrew T. Schwab (@anotherschwab) February 9, 2015
@Dowbiggin thanks, always nice when I can use a familiar word in a blog post.
— Andrew T. Schwab (@anotherschwab) February 9, 2015
@Dowbiggin "Awesome geometry lesson."
— Donnie Piercey (@mrpiercEy) February 9, 2015
Why I nuked my chrome extensions - http://t.co/VrpoE2YFTR
— Andrew T. Schwab (@anotherschwab) February 8, 2015
Shout out to @Dowbiggin @MERIT_KCI & #merit14 for encouraging me to present at #csla100 . Amazing experience!
— Sarah Logan (@SarahTLogan) February 8, 2015
Today we turn 10! Planet-size thanks to all who navigated, explored and dreamed with us this past decade. #Maps10 http://ift.tt/1C7vRi2
— Google Maps (@googlemaps) February 8, 2015
@Dowbiggin On it!
— bark (@teylaramsey) February 8, 2015
@dprindle @Dowbiggin They can keep it closed, and keep their students at a wild disadvantage for learning how to handle info.
— Rushton Hurley (@rushtonh) February 8, 2015
@Dowbiggin I just saw the job post. That would be me:)
— bark (@teylaramsey) February 8, 2015
Awesome article featuring @Dowbiggin & @Saramichel - "Teaching in the Age of Minecraft" http://t.co/M807mgUBMX #edtech #edtechchat
— David Saunders (@DesignSaunders) February 7, 2015
My daughter needs research and documentation why her school should open the internet. Thanks cc: @Dowbiggin @rushtonh
— David Prindle (@dprindle) February 7, 2015
.@Dowbiggin Teaching in the Age of Minecraft http://t.co/e6UQf9pAYO
— John Patten (@jpatten) February 7, 2015
Paper 53 tools are free! http://t.co/NQo8c3MpYa Awesome news! Hey @Pleasantonusd iPad academy friends, get your tools now!
— Lisa Highfill (@lhighfill) February 7, 2015
#cuerockstar Las Vegas meets Palm Springs. Welcome @MsGeekyTeach !!!
#cue15 can't wait for for Jam Session! http://ift.tt/1zhq9Z0
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) February 7, 2015
I told my teen I'm going to go back to college when she goes and we can take the same classes and it will be awesome.
— Jen (@injenuity) February 7, 2015
Don't knock yourself out not RTing me.
— The Fucking Cat (@TheFuckingCat) February 7, 2015
I better not find out you're cleaning another cat's litterbox.
— The Fucking Cat (@TheFuckingCat) February 7, 2015
Teaching in the Age of #Minecraft http://t.co/TG33aKhMxV via @TheAtlantic @MinecraftTeachr @Dowbiggin #minecraftedu #gbl
— Melvina Kurashige (@mkurashige) February 7, 2015
@Dowbiggin It is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Travis Phelps (@TravisPhelps80) February 7, 2015
@Dowbiggin I saw the article... and I was looking for John Miller... and when I saw your name, I thought, "WHOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
— Travis Phelps (@TravisPhelps80) February 7, 2015
Humblebragging – I’m Kind of a Big Deal … | The Blog Collective http://t.co/PjAJcgqXwJ by @peterford
— tombarrett (@tombarrett) February 7, 2015
Shout out to @dowbiggin! Great article. "Teaching in the Age of Minecraft" http://t.co/K4F75k81XD
— Summer Len Diamond (@Sumlendia) February 6, 2015
DUDE!!!! Dude dude dude dude dude!!!!!! @Dowbiggin is mentioned in the Atlantic!!!!!! http://t.co/NZezasSDSr
— Travis Phelps (@TravisPhelps80) February 6, 2015
@Dowbiggin so, so good. Always impressed with @jimmyfallon's musical talent
— Bert Alcorn (@BertAlcorn) February 6, 2015
@Dowbiggin @MinecraftEdu Nice piece...! @MinecraftTeachr
— kidOYO (@kid_OYO) February 6, 2015
Shoutout to @Dowbiggin for the mention in: Teaching in the Age of Minecraft http://t.co/PgoW9m5Ezu #isedchat #edtech
— Kelsey Vrooman (@KVroomEdu) February 6, 2015
@Dowbiggin Yep, we could do that as well.
— Jeff Crews (@crewsertech) February 6, 2015
A textbook is not your curriculum. If you treat it as such, please stop robbing your students of an education.
— Dr. Justin Tarte (@justintarte) February 6, 2015