WOW…Thank you Google. “@Dowbiggin: Yay for this! Google Drive for Education”
— Nico Mendiola (@dmendiola) September 30, 2014
from Twitter
September 30, 2014 at 01:03PM
WOW…Thank you Google. “@Dowbiggin: Yay for this! Google Drive for Education”
— Nico Mendiola (@dmendiola) September 30, 2014
Great news! Unlimited storage! #edchat #edtech #ipadchat RT @Dowbiggin: Yay for this! Google Drive for Education
— Edgar Salmingo, Jr.✌ (@edtechedgar) September 30, 2014
A great step forward! /“@Dowbiggin: Yay for this! Google Drive for Education”
— Brian Brugger (@brugger) September 30, 2014
Mouthful of one-week-old aww-tter pup #SeaOtterWeek
— (@seaottersdotcom) September 24, 2014
Used @MsMagiera 's Gripe Jar idea this AM. Received this little gem! AGREED! #d205learns #etcoaches @JillHeat
— Katie Diebold (@KatieDiebold) September 24, 2014
Observing an intern at Sheldon Williams Collegiate today & she's using Google Classroom. That's a good start. #edchat #ntchat #edtech
— Alec Couros (@courosa) September 24, 2014
I *just* used the phrase “Digital Leftovers” in a conversation. Referring to our previously recorded webinars. #DigitalLeftovers #esu8
— Corey Dahl (@iCoreyDahl) September 24, 2014
@MrAHeard #MinecraftEdu licences have now been ordered. Looking forward to rolling it out in our computer suite!
— Ysgol Y Foryd (@YForyd) September 22, 2014
@thefriendlyspot @Dowbiggin @SquareMileBrew @SquareMileCider @NewmanProject im in CO lol no idea what your talking about but, Cheers!!! ^_^
— Sean Lasek (@daddybison) September 22, 2014
@Dowbiggin @daddybison @SquareMileBrew @SquareMileCider Our #beardedbossman is from San Jose CA #veryfriendly @NewmanProject
— The Friendly Spot (@thefriendlyspot) September 22, 2014
I made a resource page 2 share all my #MinecraftEdu maps that I have made/adapted @johnmillerEDU #antarctica is there
— Kate Booth (@SCU006) September 22, 2014
@Dassel @LS_Karl @Dowbiggin Easy there, Mark. We don't need any shenanigans during tonight's chat.
— CAedTrebek (@CAedTrebek) September 22, 2014
I love @ClassDojo. All school stakeholders benefit. Celebrating learning and communicating progress are always paramount. #classdojolove
— Brad Currie (@bradmcurrie) September 20, 2014
Thank you to all who played a role in organizing #EdSummit #lasdk8! What a wonderful day of connecting and learning. Kudos!
— Christina Nosek (@ChristinaNosek) September 20, 2014
MinecraftEDU in the ELA classroom.
— lisa waxman (@lwaxman) September 19, 2014
found out today my best friend from elementary school is moving to town :) that's kind of super awesome :)
— Jane McGonigal (@avantgame) September 20, 2014
“@lwaxman: @johnmillerEDU Excited about collaboration to integrate humanities & sciences w/Minecraft --Nerdom is the answer. #minecraftedu”
— John Miller (@johnmillerEDU) September 19, 2014
My #MinecraftEdu resources from this afternoon's play session at #edsummit
— John Miller (@johnmillerEDU) September 19, 2014
Hey, remember that time I sent you a Vox at 5:57am? @Dowbiggin #awkward
— Donnie Piercey (@mrpiercEy) September 19, 2014
@Dowbiggin :-)
— John Heffernan (@johnmayo) September 19, 2014
Attitude is everything, so pick a good one.
— JƎRYL C. (@jerylmonster) September 19, 2014
@misspollock Good news! We're back to school in BC as of Monday! And I'm totally using your template for my annual plan :)
— Victoria Olson (@MsVictoriaOlson) September 19, 2014
One blemish removed, and tabloids say I'm "battling skin cancer." One drink with Steven Tyler, and they're asking "Who's the mystery woman."
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) September 19, 2014
I am a #rock I am an #island #iPhoneArt from #trinidadbeach #arcata #california edited in #snapseed + #mextures #...
— NicoleDalesio (@magrelacanela) September 19, 2014
4th grade students in @CGedtech's class are starting #minecraft today & R working collaboratively to build! #unionrxi
— Dr. Justin Tarte (@justintarte) September 19, 2014
TeacherGaming co-founder @Aalvisto explains our origins: The #MinecraftEdu Story /via @ulrich1000
— MinecraftEdu (@MinecraftEdu) September 19, 2014
How Microsoft can use Minecraft to build its education strategy @johnmilleredu @ncstracy @Dowbiggin
— Joe Wood (@ucdjoe) September 19, 2014
Applying for a grant to purchase @MinecraftEdu are there any costs besides initial startup? @Dowbiggin @ucdjoe #edchat #cue @MinecrafteduF
— Kristina Allison (@kshevy) September 19, 2014
@EduElfie thtat's my point. Sorry we seem to be talking on the same thing. The game is the game. Edu allows you to have the in your context.
— Bron Stuckey (@BronSt) September 19, 2014
@BronSt but Minecraft 'out of the box' is not accessible in my school, Edu is. The 'layer' as you call it does not change the game.
— Stephen Elford (@EduElfie) September 19, 2014
@BronSt @Dowbiggin it is and #minecraftedu undeniably gives even more options for ed uses while making it more accessible to teachers!
— Shane Asselstine (@HikariKishi) September 19, 2014
@Dowbiggin Shameless when I gotsta be;)
— Andrew Stillman (@astillman) September 19, 2014
I don’t think I qualify as Famous, you’re way too kind. RT @Dowbiggin: I know famous people, part 2. @digitalroberto
— digitalroberto (@digitalroberto) September 19, 2014
— Darren Kuropatwa (@dkuropatwa) September 18, 2014
@Dowbiggin My Ss were so excited to see the video. Some of them have chosen to do their science experiment using Minecraft now!
— Tracy Walker (@EduTrace) September 18, 2014
Minecraft Experiments: Independent and Dependent Variables via @Dowbiggin
— Joe Wood (@ucdjoe) September 18, 2014
@Dowbiggin @YouTube Thank you for this. Perfect for my 6th graders!
— Tracy Walker (@EduTrace) September 18, 2014
@ReadWriteLove @Dowbiggin KaiLan. Disyllabic, rhymes and is functionally kale . Have you seen limp, week-old Kailan -- disgusting
— Membean (@membean) September 17, 2014
@Dowbiggin You're the famous one, singing sensation! @E_Sheninger @courosa
— Jennie Magiera (@MsMagiera) September 17, 2014
@Dowbiggin I'm good with kale as the antonym of bacon. Perfect metaphor for the power of positive over negative; bacon can make kale good.
— Annamaria Smitherman (@ReadWriteLove) September 17, 2014
@Dowbiggin Great article, I first heard of Minecraftedu in our LDT570 class!
— Daniel Saksa (@DanielSaksa) September 17, 2014
Chess prodigy and genius @MrJakeJohnson prepares for an important scene in tonight's season four premier of #NewGirl
— max greenfield (@iamgreenfield) September 16, 2014
MinecraftEdu: From game room to classroom via @techrepublic Great article! #minecraftedu #ccsdtech
— Joel Solomon (@mole555) September 16, 2014
@Dowbiggin Finally found it. Been looking for a week! #oldschool #needsbatteries
— Kevin Ashworth (@SLOlifeKevin) September 16, 2014
RT @EdSurge: Great post and resources on Minecraft in education by @dowbiggin Am I brave enough to try it?
— Sara Huston (@Sara_Huston) September 13, 2014
#merit14 Check your email from @dowbiggin
— bark (@teylaramsey) September 12, 2014
@RemindHQ Thx to you! @NicholasFerroni @daisyray215 @Dowbiggin @DominiqueDynes @ClassTechTips @thenerdyteacher @Jena_Sherry
— Adam Welcome (@awelcome) September 12, 2014
#FF inspirational educators @awelcome @NicholasFerroni @daisyray215 @Dowbiggin @DominiqueDynes @ClassTechTips @thenerdyteacher @Jena_Sherry
— Remind (@RemindHQ) September 12, 2014
For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. #Jer29 #SovereignOverUs
— Michael W. Smith (@michaelwsmith) September 12, 2014
@Dowbiggin @egdunnagan @ucdjoe @wahinehapa from @dscairns minecraftedu on a chromebook
— Chris Scott (@cscottsy) September 11, 2014
RIP #FDNY343 Thankful my brother didn't die. In awe of him & all firefighters who run in, while when we run out.
— jason (@Jason) September 11, 2014
I've fallen in love with @EDpuzzle and can highly recommend it for those who want to #flipclass #smartlæring #smartlæringPLU
— Marthe Pande-Rolfsen (@LektorMarthe) September 11, 2014
@buddyxo @Dowbiggin I'm off to the Lego box right now!
— Simon Gregg (@Simon_Gregg) September 11, 2014
All the Bartle Player types on one sheet! #edtech #gbl @Dowbiggin
— Douglas Kiang (@dkiang) September 11, 2014
@mkurashige @Dowbiggin @tsbray @MinecraftEdu @MrK_Southey TG has done excellent work on the wiki. Check the resources for convincing admin!
— Shane Asselstine (@HikariKishi) September 11, 2014
@Dowbiggin @RemindHQ love it!
— Monica Silva (@MrsSilvaUMS) September 11, 2014
So fun! RT @RemindHQ: Tip: Sing out and make your Voice Clips musical! Listen to @Dowbiggin : #artsed #music #edchat
— Lisa Dabbs (@teachingwthsoul) September 11, 2014
Tip: Sing out and make your Voice Clips musical! Listen to @Dowbiggin : #artsed #music #edchat
— Remind (@RemindHQ) September 11, 2014
I cannot express how much I appreciate the functionality of #doctopus and #autocrat. Used them more this year than ever. Thanks @astillman
— Bill Bass (@billbass) September 10, 2014
¡Señora Moss tiene un cupcake de zanahoria!
— Harker Cupcakes (@HarkerCupcakes) September 10, 2014
When I was younger, I used to think it was me against the world. Then one day I realized, it had always been me against myself.
— Hidden Cash (@HiddenCash) September 10, 2014
Good job using up all your energy today! Not a drop wasted! You did 100% as much as you possibly could! (I'll say that to myself today.)
— Jane McGonigal (@avantgame) September 10, 2014
Given stats, it's very likely >1 woman you know has experienced DV. Pls remember that as u discuss #RayRice today.
— Robyn Swirling (@RSwirling) September 9, 2014
“@Dowbiggin: This guy is wonderful.” <- how to do injections, love that tissue trick!! :)
— Trevesy (@Trevesy) September 9, 2014
You might be all they have...Educators nourish the mind, body and soul @Dowbiggin @bradmcurrie #edchat
— Sandra Wozniak (@sanwoz) September 8, 2014
Today is the last day to experience the #FearlessGenius exhibit! Who are some of the #fearlessgeniuses in your life?
— Computer History (@ComputerHistory) September 7, 2014
@bobloch When you are in that "coaching" position, you are "THAT person"...Teachers are weird about that sometimes.
— Rafranz Davis (@RafranzDavis) September 7, 2014
Adam was busily drafting an apology, after inadvertently causing offence with some drunken tweets.
— wtf renaissance (@WtfRenaissance) September 6, 2014
#FF some inspirational educators @courosa @E_Sheninger @KleinErin @TechNinjaTodd @teachingwthsoul @thenerdyteacher @daisyray215 @Dowbiggin
— Remind (@RemindHQ) September 5, 2014
More #ff @jwq14 @TeacherCast @seani @cscottsy @davechilders @dwmalone @willkimbley @bushjms @dreambition @tebotweets @SamPatue @Dowbiggin
— David Prindle (@dprindle) September 5, 2014
@Dowbiggin ummm...I still have my Qbert watch. #nojoke #digitalgoodness
— Kevin Ashworth (@SLOlifeKevin) September 2, 2014
@Dowbiggin loved me some Berzerk!
— Scott Bedley (@Scotteach) September 2, 2014
My vision and mission for my new position as Professional Learning Specialist
— Dan Callahan (@dancallahan) September 1, 2014
Visiting Bletchley Park...
— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) September 1, 2014
Thanks to Susan King for painting Georgie's dresser with this African scene! It's s
— Tina Giannopoulos (@tgianno) September 1, 2014
@JohnCleese No idea, I prefer "Knock, Knock" jokes myself, pers.... Oh, excuse me. There's someone at the door...
— Gareth Roberts (@BowetteRoberts) September 1, 2014
@JohnCleese "A pun is the shortest distance between two straight lines." - Spider Robinson
— Chris Barnhart (@ChrisBarnhart) September 1, 2014
@JohnCleese Because puns don't rely on delivery or personality in order to be effective and are therefore easier to replicate in print.
— Brian Strain (@BrianStrain) September 1, 2014
Happy #LaborDay, teachers! Send a fun image to your Remind class to celebrate: via @Snoopy
— Remind (@RemindHQ) September 1, 2014
Labor Day . Today I honor my Dad , a barber, who worked six days a week from age 16. For his memory, LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) September 1, 2014
Oh my god becky look at her, but
don’t judge her looks, women should support each other
— Bec (@Brocklesnitch) August 30, 2014