This year Apple brought me free fireworks. Thanks Apple! Quality chargers. #featurenotbug #stillworks
— Aleksi Postari (@Kulttuuri) December 31, 2014
from Twitter
December 31, 2014 at 01:32PM
This year Apple brought me free fireworks. Thanks Apple! Quality chargers. #featurenotbug #stillworks
— Aleksi Postari (@Kulttuuri) December 31, 2014
Just purchased plane tickets for #ipdx15. Excited to hang out with a great crew up in PDX!
— Karl LS (@LS_Karl) December 31, 2014
PLN: Professional & Personal Thanks @rwentechaney @LS_Karl @CurtRees @shareski @Dowbiggin @jcorippo @reubenhoffman
— Simon Miller (@LeadEdTech) December 29, 2014
Anniversary dinner in the city with Mr. Fadeji. #ochoanos #fadejifav
— Amy Fadeji (@mrsfadeji) December 29, 2014
So needed.
— Gary Paulson (@GaryPaulson) December 28, 2014
#ICYMI What? #Minecraft in classrooms? Who does that? Why by @Dowbiggin #gbl #edtech #edchat
— David Mullich (@David_Mullich) December 28, 2014
Lights. Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
— Scott McLeod (@mcleod) December 28, 2014
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
— John Muir
#yosemite #nationalparks
— Yosemite National Pk (@YosemiteNPS) December 28, 2014
Adding just one capital letter and one asterisk would change the processing time for an 8 character password from 2.4 days to 2.1 centuries.
— The Daring Librarian (@GwynethJones) December 28, 2014
Embed code not available
Annabella Saturday evening... #twitter
— Tim Lauer (@timlauer) December 28, 2014
@Dowbiggin I used to cache a lot more, too. Met many interesting people and fascinating places.
— Susie Highley (@shighley) December 27, 2014
@Dowbiggin lol, I misread that and got really excited #puppets
— Sam Patterson (@SamPatue) December 27, 2014
We're now accepting applications to the 2015 IISME Summer Fellowship program!
— IISME (@IISMEtweets) December 26, 2014
Star Wars original RT @HistoryInPics: The original cast of Star Wars #fb
— Tina Photakis (@tina_p) December 26, 2014
So natural! RT @HistoryInPics: A makeup-free Marilyn #fb
— Tina Photakis (@tina_p) December 26, 2014
Introducing my son to "Elf" the movie for the fist time. Not sure why this hasn't happened sooner.
— Scott S. Floyd (@woscholar) December 26, 2014
“@HistoryInPics: Mother Teresa at the age of 18” @Tondo79 #gpcsd
— Greg Miller (@millerg6) December 26, 2014
Also, there’s a lot of happy ppl right now that just got a dope book for Christmas. Thanks for putting me under an X-mas tree, y’all.
— Jose Vilson (@TheJLV) December 26, 2014
It’s 12/25/14, and I still think society wants teachers to STFU, do as they’re told so others can do the talking for them. Not me, though.
— Jose Vilson (@TheJLV) December 26, 2014
Benedict Cumberbatch has a lock on the misunderstood, flawed, abrasive genius role. Alan Turing. Sherlock Holmes. Julian Assange. Smaug.
— Elliott Hauser (@hauspoor) December 26, 2014
I always envisioned airline lounges to be glamorous. Not so much. #freeboozethough
— Dr. Scott B. (@JrMozart) December 26, 2014
@Dowbiggin @shareski I noticed this list the other day and was happy that 1) I figured out what it meant and 2) that I was on it. :)
— Kyle Pace (@kylepace) December 25, 2014
@Dowbiggin in other words, "who would have guessed I could have that many followers with all the crap I tweet."
— Dean Shareski (@shareski) December 25, 2014
— TJ Thyne (@TJThyne) December 25, 2014
I bet "The Interview" is a very bad movie.
— Colin Gallagher ಠ_ಠ (@colingally) December 25, 2014
Just got home from Christmas service... Glorious music filled the church... Our choir sang from our hearts!
— Debbie de Coudreaux (@decoocoo) December 25, 2014
Grandma got Django a life size skelly
— Adam Clarke (@thecommonpeople) December 25, 2014
@Dowbiggin Merry Christmas!!!!!
— Travis Phelps (@TravisPhelps80) December 25, 2014
@Dowbiggin and to you as well
— Juli Deirdre Kimbley (@julikimbley) December 25, 2014
@Dowbiggin and to you
— roy eddward (@roy18977) December 25, 2014
@Dowbiggin You are over one seventh of the way there. @shareski
— Rodney Turner (@techyturner) December 25, 2014
@shareski I'm not sure what PIGARRA is, but thanks for putting me on a list?
— Clay Bergen (@Gromit1996) December 25, 2014
@shareski help me out with the acronym of the list you just added me too:)
— Jared Nichol (@mrnichol) December 24, 2014
@MsVictoriaOlson you're everywhere.
— Dean Shareski (@shareski) December 24, 2014
@shareski I gotta know, what does PIGARAA stand for?
— Clarence Fisher (@glassbeed) December 24, 2014
@imcguy That's exactly what she said. TEWSS
— Dean Shareski (@shareski) December 24, 2014
I hope that's what it means“@JodieSuss: @shareski thanks for adding me to the list.I think. What is PIGARAA..People I give a...R A About?"!
— Kendall Johnson (@MsGunny) December 24, 2014
I just had my third in service on pillow cases. Phrases like "how many times..." "I can't believe..." "I don't understand..." were used.
— Dean Shareski (@shareski) December 24, 2014
Hey @JodieSuss Happy to be in such great company wrt pigaraa list?! TY @shareski I think? But what does it mean? Afraid of punch line...
— Rose Pillay (@RosePillay1) December 24, 2014
It's not really Christmas till someone pulls out a nutcracker and some walnuts.
— Dean Shareski (@shareski) December 25, 2014
@shareski what is pigaraa?
— Amanda Dykes (@amandacdykes) December 25, 2014
@Dowbiggin @shareski you two. 😳
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) December 24, 2014
@TeacherCast Going to Frederick, MD.
— Daniel Rezac (@drezac) December 24, 2014
Now bring me a cup of coffee
Now bring me a cup of coffee
Now bring me a cup of coffee
And bring it right here!
— Church Curmudgeon (@ChrchCurmudgeon) December 24, 2014
People at #Kohls in Campbell have different reasons for shopping at 4am including just got off work. #whereyoulive
— Matt Keller (@MattKellerABC7) December 24, 2014
How can 20 year olds be ready to get married and have kids? I still burn my mouth eating an entire bag of pizza rolls too quickly
— Cole Ledford (@ColeLedford11) December 22, 2014
Today's my first day in stand at @DutchBros Davis. Didn't get as much sleep as I'd like, but I am so pumped right now!
— JƎRYL C. (@jerylmonster) December 22, 2014
Just Dance Party #CourosChristmas14
— George Couros (@gcouros) December 24, 2014
I have heard this is a thing, so #selfie
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) December 24, 2014
We as Jews are stepping forward to say that #BlackLivesMatter. #ChanukahAction
— Amy Laura Cahn (@amylauracahn) December 23, 2014
@audreywatters make them explain Pear$on
— Melissa Techman (@mtechman) December 24, 2014
Will had fun riding a pony too! #Littlecouple
— Jennifer Arnold, MD (@JenArnoldMD) December 24, 2014
#siblingfun #littlecouple
— Jennifer Arnold, MD (@JenArnoldMD) December 24, 2014
Zoey met #Santa tonight & after she got done crying, she asked him for a #pony- I am in trouble! #littlecouple
— Jennifer Arnold, MD (@JenArnoldMD) December 24, 2014
Men explain education journalism to me.
— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) December 24, 2014
Men explain the GED to me
— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) December 24, 2014
I wonder if Santa Claus goes to bed early on December 23. Long day and night ahead.
— MichaelSmithSupt (@principalspage) December 24, 2014
Since Pearson took over the GED this year, only 55,000 people have passed. (540,000 did in 2013)
— Audrey Watters (@audreywatters) December 23, 2014
If someone ever utters the words "reverse racism" to you, stop talking to them because they are dumb.
— KB (@KaraRBrown) December 22, 2014
@Dowbiggin thank you for the follow. Have a great holiday!
— roy eddward (@roy18977) December 23, 2014
@Dowbiggin thank you for the follow. Have a great holiday!
— roy eddward (@roy18977) December 23, 2014
@Dowbiggin @gpiercecummings and I rewriting lyrics for "Dear Fut Husb" for "T" and "S" rally. I'm done w/ T vers. but would love your input.
— Rhonda (@rhondacorippo) December 22, 2014
Wow. Social media makes me very sad sometimes. Let's try to 1. Never celebrate/justify death of innocent person 2. Not think violence is OK
— Amanda Dykes (@amandacdykes) December 21, 2014
@Dowbiggin It's what makes the lives of folks like Pete Seeger and Grace Lee Boggs so incredible. Their compassion and activism was endless.
— Chris Lehmann (@chrislehmann) December 21, 2014
On the one end, I can’t stand social media bcuz of the nonsense. On the other end, I love seeing the pushback. Everything in perspective.
— Jose Vilson (@TheJLV) December 21, 2014
3. Ts must acknowledge race "for their students to develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills necessary to dialogue about race-related issues"
— Melinda D. Anderson (@mdawriter) December 21, 2014
I always cringe a little when @ijohnpederson texts me these words:
— Julia Fallon (@juliafallon) December 21, 2014
2. "'s vital for Ts to understand and have the capacity to acknowledge racial diversity & create safe, affirming learning environments"
— Melinda D. Anderson (@mdawriter) December 21, 2014
1. "Colorblindness can imply that there's something wrong w/ not being White", affecting practices from teacher expectations to curriculum.
— Melinda D. Anderson (@mdawriter) December 21, 2014
@Dowbiggin DUDE!!!! You to @ipadsammy to Tommy's Joint??? That place is AWESOME.
— Travis Phelps (@TravisPhelps80) December 20, 2014
@Tastenspieler @jcorippo It is going to be an awesome Rockstar! @CateTolnai @Dowbiggin @TeacherHovey @John_Eick @trubol
— Joe Wood (@ucdjoe) December 20, 2014
Kids on Chicago’s South Side Break the School-to-Prison Pipeline with Restorative Circles
— JackieGerstein Ed.D. (@jackiegerstein) December 20, 2014
@jcorippo @Dowbiggin Ha! Been using that stuff since you presented at #CUE 2011! Good templates are good templates!
— IkeRaya (@ikeraya) December 19, 2014
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) December 19, 2014
This “Minecraft” Community Is Saving The Lives Of Children With Autism via @cwarzel @buzzfeednews
— Chuck Wade (@chuck_wade) December 19, 2014
Best way to end a semester: just sent 15 positive emails home.
Break: let's do this!
— Karl LS (@LS_Karl) December 18, 2014
@Dowbiggin SO colorful and bright. I love it!
— Lisa D. (@LisaTeachesTech) December 17, 2014
@Dowbiggin @jptrudeau @willrich45 Thanks Diane and JP! I've benefited from the whole #minecraftedu group particularly work by @HikariKishi
— Douglas Kiang (@dkiang) December 16, 2014
You dont think I can challenge gender norms? Watch this.
3PM. Be there or be whatever u want.
— Max Dylan Ash (@mynameisntdave) December 16, 2014
.@courosa is live on #dadsined !
— Dads InEd (@dadsined) December 16, 2014
@Dowbiggin @willrich45 @johnmillerEDU @HikariKishi @MinecraftTeachr @EduElfie and our students!
— Chris Scott (@cscottsy) December 15, 2014
@willrich45 One person that I know of is @Dowbiggin she has shared at #hacked the past two years about using it in the classroom
— Marcie Hebert (@mrsmhebert) December 15, 2014
@alicekeeler @rhondacorippo @CateTolnai @MistyNorman12 @suenorman79 @jrochelle ALLOW ME TO SAY INFINITE THANKS FOR GAFE. :)
— jcorippo (@jcorippo) December 15, 2014
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem - Captain Jack Sparrow #Todayisagoodday
— Life is good. (@Lifeisgood) December 14, 2014
Couch burning warning.
— John Pederson (@ijohnpederson) December 14, 2014
@artlaflamme Hahaha. Not here: @Dowbiggin
— CUErockstar (@CUErockstar) December 14, 2014
@Dowbiggin Crazy. I've been living in a shaded one for most of my life.
— Patrick Sullivan (@MrSullivan79) December 13, 2014
I'm loving learning from @brumbaugh about all of the trials and tribulations of using social media in schools #kcisocialmedia @Dowbiggin
— Patrick Sullivan (@MrSullivan79) December 13, 2014
@Dowbiggin @EdCampSV Tickets are available here #edcampsv
— Christina Nosek (@ChristinaNosek) December 13, 2014
Will have more info for you soon re: EdCampSV 2.0 - working out new team. Thanks for your interest @SarahTLogan @Dowbiggin @LS_Karl
— EdCamp SiliconValley (@EdCampSV) December 13, 2014
@Dowbiggin @EdCampSV and I want to bring 3-4 students!!
— Sarah Logan (@SarahTLogan) December 13, 2014
@Dowbiggin Heard you mentioned at elearning symposium class today about Minecraft in San Mateo, thanks to Randy Koslet!
— Jane Foltz (@msfoltzela) December 12, 2014
My 2 cents... A flipped classroom is NOT about videos and does not need to be video. It's a pedagogy approach. #ESS14
— Alice Keeler (@alicekeeler) December 12, 2014
If I can't be anymore than the report of my weakest areas. I can't be successful #grading #TCOE #CASCD #ASCD @rickwormeli2
— Will Kimbley, M.S. (@willkimbley) December 12, 2014
If you get your health insurance thru your employer, please don't judge the Affordable Care Act without hearing real-life stories about it.
— L Halse Anderson (@halseanderson) December 12, 2014
For self-employed people like me, the Affordable Care Act has been a lifesaver. Thank you, President @BarackObama !
— L Halse Anderson (@halseanderson) December 12, 2014
Rainy birthday. Going to work in PJs. Perfect day so far.
— Mayim Bialik (@missmayim) December 12, 2014
Except that the Affordable Care Act has been passed. I just finished signing us up. We'll get slightly better coverage for $1400/mo. #hca
— L Halse Anderson (@halseanderson) December 12, 2014
Deploy green lightning....
— Adam Clarke (@thecommonpeople) December 12, 2014
@MrVaudrey Since I know Matt is amazing at math, I will choose not to correct his calculations. #tlap #gowithit
— Dave Burgess (@burgessdave) December 12, 2014
Made my own deck on #HeadsUp. Who says reviewing for finals is no fun?
— Peter Strawn (@lit_teacher) December 12, 2014
People. Did you know that it's @burgessdave's 33rd birthday?
— Matt Vaudrey (@MrVaudrey) December 12, 2014
@Dowbiggin @jonmattingly Haha, yay great!! Thanks so much for helping us out :)
— Kodable (@kodable) December 11, 2014
@techquity @Dowbiggin @tr_bo It's raining here in Hercules. We're up to 1 1/2" of precipitation during this storm.
— Natalie Wojinski (@mswojo) December 11, 2014
@techquity @Dowbiggin @mswojo u got day off!!!
— Traci Bonde (@tr_bo) December 11, 2014
California #rainageddon live tweet, anyone? @Dowbiggin @tr_bo @mswojo
— Laurie Roberts (@techquity) December 11, 2014
Why mine when you can just #code? #easybutton #Minecraftedu #edtech
— JasonWilmot (@MrJasonWilmot) December 11, 2014
Check out EdPuzzle via @bsullivan35 - #caisct @CAISCT
— David Saunders (@DesignSaunders) December 11, 2014
Edpuzzle anyone in my #PLN using it? Do u like it? Used by @bsullivan35 for #PBL . #caisct
— Cheryl Costello (@cherylcostello) December 11, 2014
@Dowbiggin Its a bug we’re working on fixing now
— Jon Mattingly (@jonmattingly) December 11, 2014
@coach_sv Looks perfect. thank you!
— Rebecca Girard (@TechBioBek) December 11, 2014
The Ragtime Gals cover Marvin Gaye's "Sexual Healing" with a little help from @stevecarell #FallonTonight
— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) December 11, 2014
@TechBioBek only then a number for everyone to call in. super quick
— Sergio Villegas (@coach_sv) December 11, 2014
Help! School is cancelled! What tool can I use to host a virtual class today me + 15 Ss? Hangout max = 15 #caedchat #edchat #gafesummit
— Rebecca Girard (@TechBioBek) December 11, 2014
@Dowbiggin K. That was really funny.
— Karl LS (@LS_Karl) December 11, 2014
@SweatingCommas @davidcaolo I used to have my kids make their own and trade games w each other. @rwentechaney @Dowbiggin
— seani (@seani) December 11, 2014
@SweatingCommas @davidcaolo @seani @rwentechaney @Dowbiggin Robot Turtles.
— Rick Stawarz (@stwrz) December 11, 2014
@dowbiggin No prob! Thanks for letting us know.
— Grechen Noelle (@GrechenNoelle) December 10, 2014
@dowbiggin The other bug (viewing classes) should be fixed today or tomorrow as well @kodable
— Grechen Noelle (@GrechenNoelle) December 10, 2014
@dowbiggin This issue is now fixed! Our awesome Dev told me last night. So it is now in the live @kodable :D
— Grechen Noelle (@GrechenNoelle) December 10, 2014
Accordion to a survey, most people miss the word "accordion" at the beginning of this sentence. /via @reddit
— Peter Vogel (@PeterVogel) December 10, 2014
What if.... (learning from curiosity) #curiosity #science #wonder #VideoOfTheDay Great find @chaugen @Dowbiggin
— Lisa Highfill (@lhighfill) December 10, 2014
@dowbiggin @ravenswoodcsd I did, I did! I'm excited to see it around our district too, since I dropped the ball on requesting those myself.
— Robert Pronovost (@pronovost) December 9, 2014
Spotted at Brentwood Academy in @ravenswoodcsd! #HourOfCode
— Robert Pronovost (@pronovost) December 9, 2014
@MsClaraGalan @craigyen @mdhero @Dowbiggin Sorry to miss out tonight, will be tracking the Tweets!
— Adam Welcome (@awelcome) December 9, 2014
Memories... 🎶🎶🎶🎶
@bzwheeler @brianpmarks & I at @ycombinator for @imaginek12 educator day
We were so young then
— Elliott Hauser (@hauspoor) December 9, 2014